Red Velvet Cake

Weight Watchers Red Velvet Cake Recipe is Very delicious and creamy. It’s the best dessert recipe. Its taste is velvety and creamy. This is the best healthy cake recipe. To make this cake, use butter and plain white flour, which will not affect Weight Watchers points. It’s a fluffy and yummy cake with cream frosting. If you are on a weight loss journey, You can eat this yummy cake without any stress. It will not disturb your diet meal. Enjoy with your family. Let’s start this recipe.

Weight Watchers Red Velvet Cake Recipe
Weight Watchers Red Velvet Cake Recipe



  • Low-fat spread 60g
  • Caster sugar 300g
  • Egg, 3
  • Plain white flour 300g
  • Vanilla extract 2tsp
  • Baking powder 2tsp
  • Bicarbonate of soda 1/2 tsp
  • Buttermilk 200ml
  • White wine vinegar 1tbsp
  • Cocoa Powder 35g
  • Light cheese 180g. We used Philadelphia light cheese for this recipe because it contains less fat.
  • Icing Sugar 50g
  • Berries 300g
  • Red Food color, optional


To prepare Weight Watchers soft red velvety cake, We follow some instructions.

Bake cake

  1. First, preheat the oven temperature to 180 degrees Celsius/ gas 4.
  2. Line and grease two 20-centimeter loose-bottom cake pans.
  3. Next, add butter and caster sugar in a mixing bowl.
  4. Mix ingredients in the food blender until it becomes creamy and light texture.
  5. Add food color and vanilla extract and blend until it mixes.
  6. Next, add the eggs one at a time and beat thoroughly.
  7. To prevent curdling, add one tablespoon of flour to each egg.
  8. After beating in the eggs, carefully sieve the flour, cocoa, baking powder, and Bicarbonate of soda into the mixing bowl.
  9. Gradually mix all ingredients until they combine well.
  10. Finally, mix buttermilk, and vinegar, make sure that every ingredient is properly combined and the batter has a uniform red color.
  11. Now, divide the batter mixture and pour it into the dividing pan equally.
  12. Bake this cake mixture for 30 minutes until the stick put into the center comes out clean.
  13. For ten minutes, allow the cake to cool in the pan, and after move it to a wire rack.


  1. Meanwhile, once the cake is cool, we will prepare the frosting.
  2. Blend the cream, soft cheese, and icing sugar in a bowl to make the frosting.
  3. Whisk it until it combines well.


  1. Now, assemble the cake.
  2. Take one layer of cake and add 2nd layer of frosting.
  3. Repeat the steps to make 5-6 layers.
  4. Last, for topping add a layer of fresh or frozen berries.
  5. Delicious Weight Watchers red velvet cake is ready. Serve and enjoy.


  1. Don’t whisk the batter too much.
  2. After measuring, add ingredients.
  3. Use fresh or frozen fruits.


Vegetable oil can be an alternative to butter.
Use regular yogurt if you don’t have buttermilk.

Storage Information

For 3-4 days, store red velvet cake pieces at room temperature
Refrigerate the cake for up to one month. Cover the cake with a plastic wrapper or airtight jar.


How do we top this red velvet cake?
For the topping, you can add icing, and salted caramel on top of the cake. Add fresh strawberries, and berries to make it more colorful and tasty.

What should we add to this recipe to reduce the Weight Watchers point?
To reduce Weight Watchers points, use low-fat soft cheese, add sugar in less quantity, and low-fat milk.

Is it a friendly Weight Watchers recipe?
Yes, it is a Weight Watchers-friendly and healthy recipe. Low-fat ingredients are used to make this tasty cake.

Nutritional Facts

Serving Size Per amount 1
Total Calories 173k/cal
Total fat 6g
Cholesterol 0g
Carbohydrates 23g
Sugar 13g
Protein 4g
Weight Watchers points per serving is 4