Shrimp Spaghetti

Weight Watchers Shrimp Spaghetti is one of the classic and tasty dishes. It’s a healthy Weight Watchers recipe. You can customize this Weight Watchers Shrimp Spaghetti according to your taste. It’s a comforting meal that is very healthy. For any person on the Weight Watchers diet, this meal is ideal. It’s a fulfilling dish and enough to satisfy your hunger level.


Shrimp Spaghetti

What makes this dish so popular?

This dish is popular for many reasons.
It’s a healthy and lighter food.
Quick to make
Need only 20 minutes to cook
Loaded with flavors
Maintain your weight
Hearty dish


Whole wheat spaghetti 1/2Ib
Raw shrimp 12 ounces
Chopped garlic 1tsp
Cherry tomatoes 10 ounces
Chicken Broth 1/2 cup
Fresh lemon juice 1/2tsp
Salt 3/4tsp or according to taste
Black pepper 1/8 tsp, according to taste
Red chili pepper flakes 1/8tsp
Fresh chopped parsley, 1/4 cup


First, add whole wheat spaghetti and 4 cups of water in a nonstick pan.
Simmer the spaghetti for 10-15 minutes or until it is chewable and tender.
Once the spaghetti is cooked, remove its extra water.
Shift it into serving bowls. Set aside the bowls.
After that, We will add the chicken broth, cherry tomatoes, and chopped garlic to a nonstick pan.
Simmer all ingredients at a medium flame for 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes, add the salt, red pepper flakes, lemon juice, and black pepper to this pan.
Combine all ingredients.
Next, Add the shrimp and simmer it with other ingredients for ten to fifteen minutes, or until it is cooked.
Now, sprinkle fresh chopped parsley over the shrimp.
Serve this tasty shrimp sauce with spaghetti.


For a low-carb option, add zucchini noodles instead of whole-wheat noodles.
You can add different vegetables like spinach, mushrooms, zucchini, and bell peppers.
For better flavor, you can add vegetable broth and beef broth. Depending on your choice.


You can cook the noodles before the time, It will save your time.
Before cooking the noodles, add salt and a few drops of olive oil to the boiling water to avoid sticking.
For juicy shrimps, cook it over slow flame.
Use ow sodium canned tomatoes.
You can add grated parmesan cheese, squeeze lemon juice, and freshly chopped parsley as a topping. It will enhance the dish’s taste.



To make it gluten-free, you can use gluten-free noodles.
You can also skip the noodles. It’s optional.
Don’t overcook the shrimp. Otherwise, its texture and taste will be changed.

Storage Information

It is best to eat Shrimp Spaghetti at the time. You may store the leftover spaghetti for one to two days.
You can also freeze the shrimp in a freezer for 1-2 months.


Can we add diced canned tomatoes instead of fresh tomatoes?
You can use canned tomatoes. It is easily available at any store. Canned tomatoes will also affect the Weight Watchers point.

Can we use shrimp that have already been cooked?
You can use fresh, or pre-cooked shrimp. When other ingredients are almost done, add the precooked shrimp.

What other vegetables are added to cook this dish?
Add different varieties of vegetables like corn, mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli.

Is pasta healthy while following the Weight Watcher Points?
Yes, pasta is a healthy option. Pasta contains only 5 Weight Watchers points. So, You can enjoy pasta by following the Weight Watchers diet.

How do we serve this Shrimp Spaghetti?
You may enjoy this dish with roasted vegetables, garlic bread, and salads.

Can we add herbs and seasonings?
You can add different varieties of seasonings and herbs like oregano, basil leaves, thyme, cilantro, etc. It will enhance the dish’s flavor.

Nutritional Facts Per Serving

Serving Size 5 people

Total Calories 247kcal
Carbohydrates 38g
Cholesterol 172mg
Protein 22g
Sodium 570mg
Fiber 1.5g
Iron 4mg
Fat 2.5g
Weight Watcher’s total points per serving is 4