Keto Veal Saltimbocca

  • Keto RecipesKeto Veal Saltimbocca

    Keto Veal Saltimbocca

    If you want to impress someone, and you want to make a light recipe for dinner and lunch, this Keto Veal Saltimbocca is the best idea for you. Furthermore, veal cutlets, sage leaves, prosciutto, almond flour, avocado oil, butter, black pepper, parsley, shaved Parmesan, and lemon wedges are the best mixtures for this recipe. Free Keto Meal Plan: STEP-BY-STEP KETO DIET PLAN FOR BEGINNERS Ingredients: For the garnishing: Lemon widgets Parsley Shaved Parmesan cheese Black pepper For the veal saltimbocca: Avocado…

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