Weight Watchers

Weight Watcher Spicy Dumpling

The Weight Watcher Spicy Dumpling is a flavorful recipe. Furthermore, here, the spicy taste of Chile oil combines with the warmth of dumplings. Easygoing, unassuming frozen dumplings transform into an and mix with oil and acidic, savory undertones from soy sauce and vinegar. It’s simple, fast, and easy. Moreover, It is yummy and tasty.


Weight Watcher Spicy Dumpling

Tips for making this recipe:

Before adding the oil to the onion and spice combination, make sure it is hot enough. The tastes of the Chile, scallions, and garlic are the heat.
Adjustments for spice: If you’re not a big fan of hot sauce, start with a lower amount and work your way up to a higher amount. Use as many chili flakes as you like if you enjoy a lot of heat.


  • Soy sauce: 2 tbsp.
  • Scallions: 2.
  • Rice vinegar: 1 tsp.
  • Frozen dumplings: 10–12.
  • Garlic cloves: 2.
  • Sesame seeds: 2 tsp.


  1. Add the red chili flakes, sesame seeds, sliced scallions, and garlic to a heatproof wide bowl.
  2. In a little skillet over medium heat, heat the oil. Drizzle it over the bowl of scallions, garlic, and spice combination, allowing it to sizzle.
  3. Put the rice in, then mix it with the sauce.
  4. In the cooking vessels, put it on the boil.
  5. Boil dumplings per the directions on the package. Pour it off in a colander.
  6. If you want a soupier version of the dish or are using more dumplings for dinner, you may set aside 1 cup of water.


For a hotter version, add the Chile; for a softer version, use fewer.
Although they taste the best fresh, dumplings last for up to three days. Add it to the microwave, warm and fresh. This sauce works well with dumplings. For extra dumplings, you may increase the quantities or use part of the water that is set aside.

Nutritional facts:

Fiber: 3 g.

Calories: 505 kcal.

Protein: 11 g.

Cholesterol: 7 mg.

Total fat: 27 g.

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