Weight Watchers Lime Dessert

Weight Watchers Lime Dessert is a delightful and low-point dessert recipe. We will create this tasty dish with a pudding mix, sugar-free lime jello, and whipped cream. The flavor of this dessert is refreshing and tangy. This dish will fulfill your sweet taste without violating your Weight Watchers diet because of its fluffy and smooth texture. This Weight Watchers Lime Dessert is ideal for spring and summer because it contains fresh lime. It makes a distinctive and delectable dessert that you can enjoy at events, social gatherings, or holidays. It contains only seven grams of total carbs. Let’s begin the recipe with the directions (listed below).


  • Course: Dessert
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Weight Watchers, Vegetarian, Gluten-free
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Cook Time: Twenty minutes
  • Preparation Time: 5 mins


  • Nonstick pan
  • One spoon
  • Serving pudding glasses


  • 1.3-ounce box of without-sugar vanilla pudding mix, about two boxes
  • Sugar-free lime jello 2 boxes, nearly 3-ounce boxes
  • Water 4 cup
  • Sugar-free whipped cream 16 tbsp, approx. to one cup
  • Lime wedges, as required
  • Fresh mint leaves, add to your choice


  1. Fill a nonstick normal-sized pan with four cups of water.
  2. Shift this pan to a normal burner flame.
  3. Next, open the pudding mix box and add it to the pan.
  4. Simmer the mix with a spoon until it boils.
  5. Constantly cook until the pudding mixture is dense.
  6. After that, add jello mix to the pudding.
  7. Stir all ingredients with a spoon.
  8. The tasty and thick Weight Watchers Lime Dessert is ready.
  9. Shift the pudding into serving pudding glasses.
  10. Decorate it with lime wedges, mint leaves, lemon slices, or whipped cream.
  11. Serve quickly and savor its creamy flavors with your loved ones.


  • Swap the sugar-free vanilla pudding mix with different flavors of pudding for example sugar-free coconut or lemon pudding.
  • Replace the sugar-free whipped cream with fat-free Greek yogurt.
  • Add a hint of sweeteners to the pudding such as erythritol or stevia
  • Incorporate a dash of lime extract for a more intense lime taste.


  • Accompany this dessert with grilled chicken fajitas or pan-seared salmon.
  • Pair the lime pudding with a flavorful baked cod or herbed-crusted chicken.
  • Enjoy it with lentil soup or meatballs with garlic bread.
  • Shrimp or vegetable stir-fry goes well with this lime dessert.


  • Utilize fresh lime wedges to decorate the pudding glasses.
  • Incorporate fresh mint leaves for a refreshing taste.
  • Choose a high-quality and reputable brand of sugar-free vanilla pudding mix.
  • Try this dessert with a variety of pudding mix flavors such as chocolate or butterscotch.
  • You can control the pudding thickness to your choice.
  • Try this recipe with different flavors of sugar-free Jell-O such as raspberry or orange.



  • Store the remaining lime dessert in a sealed vessel and refrigerate it for three days.


  • Shift the dessert to a covered bowl and freeze it for forty to seventy days. We will add toppings before consuming.


Are fat-free yogurts suitable for lime desserts?

  • Yes, fat-free Greek yogurt is a good item. It provides protein and creaminess to the dessert. Moreover, it maintains a low point value.

What other versions of this dessert exist?

  • Utilize different kinds of citrus juice or experiment with extra flavors such as vanilla or coconut.


Per Serving size half a cup of dessert with two tbsps of whipped cream
Total servings 8
Total Calories 118 kcal
Carbohydrates 7 g
Protein 2 g
Total Fat 11 g
Sugar 2 g
Sodium 89 mg
Calcium 25 mg

Each serving of the lime dessert recipe gives only two (2) Weight Watchers points.